Does Your Carpet Need Professional Cleaning? 4 Tell-Tale Signs

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People get used to the look of their carpet with time and forget its clean and vibrant appearance when it was new. However, carpets lose their beauty as they accumulate dirt from the environment. The imprint of dirty footprints also changes the look and feel of the rug over the years. If you want to restore the beauty of your carpet, consider getting a professional to clean it. Here are some tell-tale signs it is time for a professional carpet cleaning.

1. When You Notice Discolouration

Most carpets are monochromatic. Even when you have a print with more than one colour, you will have a consistent shade of every colour. Dirt leads to certain parts having a darker or lighter shade of colour than others.

It is advisable to consider deep cleaning your carpets when you notice a disparity in shades of colour. Deep cleaning eliminates the different shades and restores the carpet to its original beauty.

2. When You Notice Funny Odours

Carpets are sensitive to spills and stains. Most carpets will start developing mould as soon they have moisture in the fibres. Mould stains often form when you spill juice, soup, and dirt on the carpet. Mould has a characteristic musty smell that is easy to identify. Besides the mould, the fibres can develop a specific unpleasant smell when damp. A thorough cleaning from professionals will help eliminate the odour.

3. A Worn Out Look

Another easy way to tell that you need to replace your carpet is when it starts to look worn out. Foot traffic leads to debris getting squished between the fibres that make up your carpet. It leads to the carpet losing its springy look and looking flat and worn out. A good cleaning removes the dirt wedged between the fibres and fluffs up the fibres. Your carpet will be looking as good as new after a thorough professional cleaning.

4. When You Have Stains

Stains come from coffee, wine, and dropped foods. Wine and coffee contain a high concentration of food pigments that leave ugly patches on the carpet surface. You might not have the right solutions to clean the carpet and remove the stains, but professional cleaners will. They will recommend the perfect cleaning solutions to take eliminate the toughest stains.

Professional carpet cleaning is the best way to keep your carpets clean and fresh. Expert cleaning services will help increase the life and service that you get from your carpets.
