What to Do If You See Black Mould in the Shower

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For many homeowners, black mould never makes an appearance. However, for landlords and owners who see black mould once, they are more than likely going to see it again. Mould thrives on moisture and oxygen, particularly when organic materials are also present. Getting rid of it is often a tedious task, but if you do see black mould in your shower, you should take steps to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Why Do You Need to Get Rid of Black Mould Immediately?

Although some types of black mould are not toxic enough to cause serious medical issues, most of them can lead to mild or moderate problems. The health issues that might develop include allergic reactions, rashes, coughing, headaches and breathing difficulties.

Should You Remove Mould on Your Own?

Most professional mould removal companies recommend that you bring in an experienced technician who can handle mould removal properly and safely. If the type of mould that you have is toxic, it needs to be handled in a certain way to prevent further contamination or medical issues. If you are noticing only a small area of mould, such as in the shower's grout, you should be able to remove it safely as long as you follow certain precautions.

How Should You Eliminate Mould Buildup?

It's important to wear a face mask to avoid breathing in any spores that become airborne during the cleanup. Apply soap and hot water, scrub the mould away and rinse the area with cold water. Repeat this action if necessary. If you cannot remove the mould using this method, use a cleaning product designed to eliminate mould.

Will Mould Growth Return?

If you notice discoloration in the grout or other contaminated surface, you should expect to see a recurrence of the problem. Ideally, you'll want to replace the contaminated grout in order to prevent fresh mould growth.

How Can You Keep Mould from Reappearing?

Since black mould needs moisture to grow, it is important to keep humidity levels low. One option you have is to install a dehumidifier. Alternatively, you can have an exhaust vent installed in the bathroom to remove excess steam from showers. Make sure that you repair leaky pipes and faucets as soon as they occur to avoid creating the kind of conditions that mould needs to thrive. Regular grout cleaning also helps to minimise the risk of mould recurrence. Don't allow any sort of residue to build up in your bathroom.
